Chemical Peel
Chemical peeling, also called chem-exfoliation or dermapeeling, is a facial skin rejuvenation procedure that does what its name implies—it peels the skin. Its use is usually in the treatment of superficial to moderate photoaging skin damage. Mild chemical peels can be applied to people in their 20s, to prevent effects of aging from becoming apparent too early in life.
In a chemical peeling treatment, a chemical solution is applied to facial skin, causing the skin to peel off over a period of days. As the treated peels, new skin forms to take its place. The new skin is usually smoother, less pigmented and less wrinkled than the old skin.
A mild chemical peel is usually all that is necessary to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Patients with minimal skin damage often respond best to a series of light peels in combination with a skin care program including retinoids and a sunscreen protection program. A medium-depth peel is often more effective for patients with moderate skin damage, including age spots, freckles and actinic keratoses.
Depending on the objectives of the treatment as determined jointly by the patient, physician and clinical skincare specialist, the condition and type of the patient’s skin, and the degree of skin damage, an individualized plan is created with regard to the strength of the chemical solution, type of peeling solution and the depth of the peel. Peeling solutions may include one or more chemicals such as alpha-hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, or lactic acid. In addition to skin rejuvenation, chemical peeling is effective in reduction of some acne scars. Peeling does not remove deep scars.
The immediate after-effect of a chemical peel is similar to a sunburn. After a mild or superficial peel, redness and scaling of the skin last 3 to 5 days. Medium-depth or deep peeling can result in redness, swelling, blistering and peeling for 7 to 14 days. Medications may be prescribed to alleviate discomfort. Overexposure to sun must be avoided for a period of time to prevent sun damage while the new skin is susceptible to injury.
Chemical peeling is effective only for surface skin damage. Effects of aging in deeper tissues, such as sagging jowls and drooping eyelids, must be addressed by other procedures that can be recommended by your dermatologic surgeon.
Salicyclic Acid Peels
We customize each facial treatment to the patients or clients needs. We always assess the needs of your skin and provide treatment based on those needs and your greatest areas of concern. Salicylic acid are an aromatic acid which is foreign to the body. These are highly keratolytic and work by dissolving the layers if the skin from outward in. Dr. Khanuja places the salicyclic acid on the skin and allows adequate time for the acid to work. This allows her to control treatment regimens and achieve maximum efficacy and optimum skin rejuvenation.
We are proud to offer these peels for their quality and effectiveness, yet we also love to incorporate relaxation techniques into each facial treatment. Please ask us about adding the salicyclic peel into a rejuvenating facial, optimizing results and creating a relaxing and invigorating experience for you!
The best treatment regimens begin in-office with a comprehensive and complimentary skincare consultation to assess your needs and areas of greatest concerns. We customize treatment plans for each of our clients, acknowledging that each client comes with a set of skincare needs that are as unique and special as they are! Our rejuvenating peels are appropriate for a variety of skincare needs as well as beneficial in addition to many treatment plans.
- Do you have aging skin, with fine lines and wrinkles? A series of peels can work wonders for diminishing these tell tale signs of aging, especially when coupled with a great maintenance skincare regimen at home.
- Do you have dull skin or skin that has experienced the effects of the sun’s rays? Hyperpigmentation? Age spots? Sun spots? A series of peels will return the youthful glow to your skin, as well as begin to fade and blend your discoloration and uneven skin tone. As you consult with our specialist, you will also learn of other ways to keep your skin healthy with an at-home treatment plan. With the combination of peels and product, you will be saying goodbye to your hyperpigmentation!
- Do you have acne scarring or scarring from procedures or conditions? Salicyclic peels will work well to slough off the dead skin and diminish the signs of scarring.
- Do you have large pores or pore-congestion? Blackheads? Coupled with a purifying facial, salicyclic acid is one of the best ways to soften the contents of the pores, making it easier to remove the unwanted congestion and encourage the pores to constrict to normal size.